LED Sign Light Distributor in South Carolina



Signage – A very crucial element for any and every Business, anywhere across the world. Be it a Store or a Shop or an Eatery or a Pub or a Gas Station or a Supermarket… they all need SIGNAGES to promote and run their Business.

Best LED Sign Light Distributor in South Carolina

Welcome to Signlights LED!  We are proud to offer the most innovative LED Signlights for your market. We are the first to offer our exclusive bulbs featuring internal drivers.

  • SIGNLIGHTS LED has been in this Business since 20 years and are well known LED Sign Light Wholesalers, LED Sign Light Distributor and are leading LED Sign Light Suppliers.
  • SIGNLIGHTS LED have a wide range of the ‘State of the Art’ Sign Lamps, Sign Tubes for Sign Boards, making them leading Sign Bulb Wholesalers, Sign Tubes Distributors and Sign Board LED Sign Lights Suppliers.
  • We are always a step or two ahead of Competition, due to the Advancement in our Product Range, which have a superior performing ability, powerful enough to “ Outshine Competition “.
  • LED bulbs from SIGNLIGHTS LED offer better heat dissipation, more vibrant lighting, more durability and a significant cost savings over the life of your sign. That makes us leading LED Sign Bulbs Distributors and LED Sign Bulbs Wholesalers.

In fact our overall Product range has unique features

  • Users can reduce Additional Inventory
  • Reduce Additional Wiring and
  • Avoid Extensive Staff Training also

SIGNLIGHTS LED offers multiple size options to fit a Customer’s Installation requirement, our LED Sign Tubes with Two sided illumination offer a wider Illumination area.

These features give an edge to SIGNLIGHTS LED, making us leading LED Sign Lamps Distributors, leading LED Sign Tubes Wholesalers and leading LED Lights for Sign Board Suppliers in Southeast USA.

Commercial Outdoor LED Sign Lights Wholesaler & Distributor for EXTERIOR SIGNAGE LIGHTINGStep out on a Business Street or a Commercial Avenue especially from evening onwards and ONE thought will strike in your mind

It is a crazy fight for “Survival of the Fittest“ and that Fight is fought between SIGNAGES !


Survival and Growth of Businesses have depended on Signages from decades.

The Bigger the Better… Brighter, still more Better!

The transition is only of Technology, which changed and evolved according to the Time and Era BUT the War of Lights between Signages always prevailed and today – it is ruled by LED SIGN LIGHTS!

LED – Light Emitting Diodes… this Technology is the Invention of the Century and Ranks amongst the Top 10 Inventions in the last 100 Years.

Their low energy consumption and low heat emission has revolutionized the World of Lighting, specially COMMERCIAL / OUTDOOR LIGHTING in the Signages genre, where earlier an Electricity Bill could Kill a Business!

Every Shop, Store, Eatery, Fast Food Joint, Pub, Bar, Gas Station, Mall, Super Market, Salon, Restaurant, Fashion Brand etc. needs LED SIGNAGES to gain Eyeballs and Footfalls and eventually Good Revenue.

If you’re any of the above or in any other Business and you’re searching for Commercial Outdoor Sign Lights, Outdoor Sign Lamps, or Exterior Signage Lighting Wholesaler and LED Sign Light Distributor in South Carolina then you are at the right place.


  • Our LED Sign tube lights offer better heat dissipation, more vibrant lighting, more durability and a significant cost savings over the life of your sign. Installation is easy.
  • Our product is custom designed by educated and experienced engineers with extensive experience in Signs and Lighting Installation. We also carry UL certifications on our system, components and drivers.
  • With over 20 years experience, we understand the impact of LED’s on the Signlighting business.
LED Sign Light Wholesaler, Distributor, and Supplier for

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